
Active Assisted Exercises

Active Assisted Flexion - Repeat 10 times

Lie flat with your knees bent. Hold a stick with your hands just wider than your shoulders. Lift your arms up over your head until you feel a stretch. Do not force the movement. Hold for a few seconds then lower.

  • Active Assisted Flexion
  • Active Assisted Flexion
  • Active Assisted Flexion

Active Assisted External Rotation - Repeat 10 times

Lie flat with your knees bent. Put a folded towel under your elbow. With your elbow bent to 90 degrees and kept by your side, push your hand outwards with the unaffected hand until you feel a stretch. Do not force it. Hold for a few seconds then move back to the starting position.

  • Active Assisted External Rotation
  • Active Assisted External Rotation
  • Active Assisted External Rotation

With thanks to Cath Ellis & Lizzy Miles, specialist physiotherapists, for their help with the demonstration and preparation of the exercise sheets.